四川康协 发表于 2016-3-27 11:02:14

《ICF 国际功能 残疾和健康分类》下载

《ICF 国际功能 残疾和健康分类》


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WHOICF Browser

Collaborating Centres for the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC)WHO works with a network of Collaborating Centres to develop, disseminate, implement and update the WHO Family of International Classifications to support national and international health information systems, statistics and evidence.The Collaborating Centres have been established to assist WHO and users with the development and implementation of WHO-FIC classifications. It is important that users bring to the attention of the respective Centre any significant problems they might encounter in the use of WHO-FIC classifications. Proposals for amendments or additions to the classifications should be directed, in the first instance, to the relevant Centre.Designated Collaborating Centres
Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Argentina
Head of Centre: Lic Karina Revirol
Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud (DEIS)
Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (MSAL)
Av. 9 de julio 1925, 6to. Piso, Oficina 606
C1073ABA, Capital Federal, Argentina
Tel: +541143799024
Fax: +541143812015
Website: http://www.deis.gov.ar
Email: karevirol@gmail.com

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Australia
Head of Centre: Ms Jenny Hargreaves
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
Tel: +61 2 6244 1000
Fax: +61 2 6244 1111
Website: www.aihw.gov.au
Email: who_fic@aihw.gov.au

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in PR China
Heads of Centre: Dr Yipeng Wang and Dr Zhuoying Qiu
Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH)
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS)
No.1 Shuaifuyuan Hutong, Dongcheng District
100730, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Tel: +(86-10) 69155575
Fax: +(86-10) 69155575
Website: http://www.pumch.cn/ksyl/yjks/jbflzx/
Email: ypwang@medmail.com.cn

ICF branch
No.10, Jiaomen North Street, Fengtai District
100730, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Email: qiuhong100@yahoo.com

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in PR Cuba
Heads of Centre: Dr Sonia Bess and Dr Miguel Angel Martinez
Cuban Centre for Classification of Diseases (CECUCE)
National Direction of Medical Records and Health Statistics
Ministry of Public Health of Cuba
Street 23 N. 201
10400, Havana City, Vedado, Cuba
Tel: +53-7-8383398
Fax: +53-7-8383404
Website: http://www.sld.cu/sitios/dne
Email: sonia@mspdne.sld.cu
Email: mangel@mspdne.sld.cu

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in France
Heads of Centre: Ms Claire Rondet and Dr Marie Cuenot
Centre d'Epidémiologie sur les Causes médicales de Décès (CépiDC)
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
80 Rue du general Leclerc, Batiment La Force
porte 58, 3ème étage
94270, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Tel: +33 (1) 49 59 19 29
Fax: +33 (1) 49 59 19 30
Website: http://www.cepidc.inserm.fr
Email: claire.rondet@inserm.fr
Email: Marie.Cuenot@ehesp.fr

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Germany
Heads of Centre: Dr Stefanie Weber and Dr Ulrich Vogel
German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI)
Abteilung M
Waisenhausgasse 36-38A
D-50676 Cologne, Germany
Tel: +(49-221) 4724 1
Fax: + (49-221) 4724 444
Website: http://www.dimdi.de
Email: stefanie.weber@dimdi.de
Email: ulrich.vogel@dimdi.de

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in India
Head of Centre: Dr Madhu Raikwar
Central Bureau of Intelligence, Directorate General of Health Services
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Room No. 404, A-Wing, Nirman Bhawan
110108, New Delhi, India
Tel: + 91 011 23063175
Fax: + 91 011 23063175
Website: http://www.cbhidghs.nic.in
Email: dircbhi@nic.in
Email: jdie@cbhidghs.nic.in

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Italy
Head of Centre: Dr Lucilla Frattura
Classification Area, General Directorate
Regional Central Health Directorate
Via Pozzuolo 330
Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
33100 Udine, Italy
Tel: (+39) 0432 805605
Fax: (+39) 0432 805680
Website: http://www.reteclassificazioni.it
Email: lucilla.frattura@regione.fvg.it

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Japan
Head of Centre: Dr Kei Mori
International Classification & Information Management Office (Japan ICD Office)
Policy Planning Division, Statistical and Information Department
Minister’s Secretariat
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
100-8916 Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3595-3501
Fax: +81-3-3595-1605
Website: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/
Email: icdoffice@mhlw.go.jp

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Kuwait
Head of Centre: Dr Mijbel Alnajjar
Health Information and Medical Records
Ministry of Health
Jamal Abdel Nasir
Abdulaziz Hamad Alsaqr St
P. O. Box 5286 Safat
13053 Shuwaikh (Sabah Health Region), Mirqab, Kuwait
Tel: +965-22429862
Fax: +965-24620638
Website: http://www.moh.gov.kw/
Email: Doctorm80@hotmail.com
Email: whoficcckuwait@gmail.com

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Mexico
Head of Centre: Dr Hector Hernandez-Bringas
Classifications of Information on Health
General Direction of Health Information
Ministry of Health
Ave. Paseo de la Reforma 450, piso 11
Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc
06600 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Tel: +(55) 6392 2300 ext 52569
Fax: +(55) 5514 5294
Website: http://www.dgis.salud.gob.mx/contenidos/cemece/cindex.html
Email: hector.hernandezb@salud.gob.mx

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in The Netherlands
Heads of Centre: Dr Coen H van Gool
Heads of Centre: Dr Huib ten Napel
Center for Health Knowledge Integration (cKVZ)
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
A. van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, PO Box 1
Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc
3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 30 2748521
Fax: ++31 30 2744450
Website: htttp://www.rivm.nl/who-fic
Email: coen.van.gool@rivm.nl
Email: Huib.ten.Napel@rivm.nl

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in North America
Head of Centre: Ms Donna Pickett
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
Classifications and Public Health Data Standards
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
3311 Toledo Road
20782 Hyattsville, Maryland, United States of America
Tel: +1 (301) 458 4434
Fax: +1 (301) 458 4022
Website: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/icd/nacc.htm
Email: dfp4@cdc.gov
Canadian Contact Dr Keith Denny
Email: KDenny@cihi.ca

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Norway
Head of Centre: Dr Lars Berg
Department of Classifications in Health Care
Norwegian Directorate of eHealth
P.O. Box 6737, St. Olavs plass
0130 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 2149 50 70
Website: http://www.ehelse.no
Email: lars.berg@primnet.se

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in the Republic of Korea
Head of Centre: Dr Yeung-gyu Park
Social Security Information Service
17F Namsan Square Bldg., Chungmu-ro 3ga, Jung-gu
04554 Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 (2) 6360-5599
Fax: +82 (2) 6360-6930
Website: http://www.ssis.or.kr
Email: koreawhofic@khwis.or.kr

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in the Russian Federation
Head of Centre: Dr Sergei Cherkasov
National Research Institute for Public Health
12 Vorontsovo Pole 12/1
105064 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: +7 495 917 48 86
Fax: +7 495 916 03 98
Website: http://www.nriph.ru
Email: cherkasovsn@mail.ru

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in South Africa
Heads of Centre: Dr Lyn Hanmer
Heads of Centre: Dr Debbie Bradshaw
Burden of Disease Research Unit (BoDRU)
South African Medical Research Council
PO Box 19070
7505 Cape Town, Tygerberg, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 938 0959
Fax: +27 21 938 0310
Website: www.mrc.ac.za
Email: Lyn.Hanmer@mrc.ac.za
Email: debbie.bradshaw@mrc.ac.za

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Thailand
Head of Centre: Dr Wansa Paoin
Thai Health Standard Coding Center
Bureau of Policy and Strategy Office of the Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Public Health
Tiwanon Road
11000 Nonthaburi, Thailand
Tel: +66 2-5901492
Fax: +66 2-9659816
Website: http://www.thcc.or.th/
Email: wansa@tu.ac.th

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in the United Kingdom
Head of Centre: Dr Lynn Bracewell
Terminology and Classifications Development
NHS Digital
Floor 2, Princes Exchange, Princes Square
LS1 4HY Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)113 397 4399
Website: www.digital.nhs.uk
Email: lynn.bracewell@nhs.net

Collaborating Centre for the WHO-FIC in Venezuela
Head of Centre: Dr Cruz Cordero
Venezuelan Centre for Classification of Diseases (CEVECE)
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud
Simon Bolivar Centre
Edif. Sur, piso 3, Ofic. 315
1010 Caracas, Venezuela
Tel: +58(212)408-0220
Tel: +58(212)408-0221
Website: http://cevece-venezuela.blogspot.com/
Email: cevece.venezuela@yahoo.es
mail: cruzcorba@hotmail.com

Designated Collaborating Centres for Classifications, Terminologies, & Standards

Collaborating Centre for CTS at the China National Health Development Research Center
Heads of Centre: Dr Wei Fu
Heads of Centre: Dr Qin Jiang
China National Health Development Research Center
38 Xueyuan Rd., Haidian District
100191 Beijing, People's Republic of China
Tel: +86 10 82801232
Fax: +1 (507) 202-5818
Website: http://www.nhei.cn
Email: fuwei@nhei.cn
Email: jiangqin2007@gmail.com

Collaborating Centre for CTS at Mayo Clinic
Heads of Centre: Dr Hongfang Liu
Heads of Centre: Dr Guoqian Jiang
Division of Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street S.W.
55905 Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America
Tel: +1 (507) 284-5506
Fax: +1 (507) 202-5818
Website: http://www.mayo.edu/research/departments-divisions/department-health-sciences-research/division-biomedical-statistics-informatics/overview
Email: Liu.Hongfang@mayo.edu
Email: jiang.guoqian@mayo.edu

Collaborating Centre for CTS at Stanford University
Head of Centre: Dr Mark Musen
Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics
Stanford University
1265 Welch Road, Room X-215
94305 Stanford, California, United States of America
Tel: +1 (650) 723-6979
Fax: +1 (650) 725-7944
Website: http://bmir.stanford.edu/
Email: Liu.Hongfang@mayo.edu
Email: jiang.guoqian@mayo.edu

Collaborating Centre for CTS at the University of Calgary
Head of Centre: Dr Hude Quan
University of Calgary
3280 Hospital Drive NW
T2N 4Z6, Alberta, Cananda
Tel: +1 (403) 2108617
Fax: +1 (403) 210-3819
Website: http://www.iph.ucalgary.ca/
Email: hquan@ucalgary.ca

Page updated on 26 October 2017.

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